CNET quoted Mario Queiroz, Google’s Pixel development lead, as saying that the company has been prototyping the tech for a while. That said, the search engine company isn’t in any rush to release one into the market, as “there’s no clear use case yet.” While Queiroz thinks that the larger screen size of foldable phones is nice to have, it’s not exactly a “must have” feature. He argues that it’s not enough to spur consumer interest and that Google is more focused on a device that will make consumers go “I definitely need to have this.” Beyond that, Queiroz did not share details of Google’s foldable phone prototypes, such as the way the screen works when the phone is folded or unfolded. It’s also unclear when the prototyping first began. All that is clear for now is that Google won’t be officially announcing one into the market anytime soon. (Source: CNET)

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