TweakTown reports that in a recent management meeting, Sega CEO Haruki Satomi said that the company has no concrete plans for P2E (play-to-earn) for now. And if its implementation is “perceived as simple money-making” by gamers, then the company will not proceed with said plans. Which is very refreshing to hear, especially from the head of a video games publisher these days. Translated minutes for the meeting cited in the report is dated 14 December 2021. Which means that Sega has come to this conclusion not too long after the immense backlash against Ubisoft Quartz. This also means that the company has put a hold on its NFT plans way before Square Enix and Konami ploughed ahead with their respective announcements. In a sense, this makes the fact that Square Enix and Konami decided to go ahead with its NFT plans even more confusing. But while this decision by Sega is commendable, it’s important to also remember that it was among the earliest to decide if it wants to dabble in NFTs, with the announcement to do so made as early as April last year. (Source: Sega [PDF] via Tweaktown)

Sega Pauses NFT Plans Following Gamer Backlash - 21