Similarly, this policy change covers all close contacts, even those who are unvaccinated. Instead of mandating tests and quarantine, exposed individuals are now only encouraged to self-isolate and do a self-test on the first and third day of when they get symptoms. MoH says that if the symptomatic individuals test negative, they may end their self-imposed quarantine while close contacts without symptoms basically no longer need to follow any additional protocol other than the general SOP. Both groups are encouraged to practice preventative measures such as avoiding visiting crowded areas and high-risk groups, as well as only conducting essential travel. As always, it is still compulsory to wear masks in public areas for all, despite a recent police circular stating that no fines will be given out for not wearing a face mask during Hari Raya, which has since been retracted by Bukit Aman. In other news, second booster doses will soon be offered to seniors with comorbidites to increase their protection while teenagers will also be eligible for boosters. (Source: KKM/Twitter)