For adult contents that already on the Tumblr at the moment, the company will send an email to notify users that have published adult contents on the platform. At the same time, Tumblr will also be taking the ban one step further by reverting existing adult posts to private which can only be viewed by the original poster. Similarly, only the original poster is able to appeal to Tumblr if they believe that their contents were mistakenly flagged as adult contents. Users are not able to appeal flagged contents that were reblogged by them, but Tumblr stated that those contents will still appear on users’ flagged content list. Adult content has been a long-running issue for Tumblr; in fact, the platform was banned in Indonesia for that very reason. The same goes for the disappearance of Tumblr’s iOS app from the Apple App Store although it is not known whether the new ban on adult contents is related directly to Apple’s recent decision. (Source: Tumblr)

Tumblr Is Banning All Adult Contents Starting From 17 December - 23